Lovely post! I can definitely identify with the in-betweeny stage of doing up a house, I have corners that look great! - and others, that look less great (industrial clothes rail and all!). This has inspired me to play around with moving thinks about though rather than assuming everything is static and has found its place.

Also re: substack - I was always a fan of blogs and longer form content so it's been great. However, I'm at four paid subscriptions, so c. £20/ month - and im starting to think I cant justify ANOTHER subscription. Especially when I compare it to buying magazines (albeit there are few magazines these days that I actually buy as they have so little content). I wish there was a shared subscription model where I could pay eg £20 to read X articles - and this would also help with discovering new writers too.

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Thanks Heather! So glad it's inspired you to have a play around. And re Substack, I do think that's the model they will have to adopt moving forward. I also know that some people with a lot of followers - particularly interiors/fashion - write free posts but add affiliate links to product they talk about so they can make some money. Hopefully there will be a way for all who read/write here to feel it is worthwhile

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I loved this! I’m forever re-arranging, tweaking, and moving bits and pieces about. Furniture, decor, art, plants, and practical items - sometimes repurposing an entire room. My husband thinks I’m off my rocker. Frankly, I felt a bit shameful because we’ve been in our home for two years now and I never seem to settle for long on how I’ve set up and styled an area. But who says anything needs to be set in stone!? I LIVE for the fussing and faffing! There’s as much joy in the process as there is the final product. This serial fusser and re-arranger thanks you for the affirming post! 💚

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Another joyous post to read Emily. Your honesty about how most of us live in our homes has always resonated so much with me, more so than any other interior stylist. Your books remain a constant inspiration to me and helped me to recognise my own style and to run with it when I was completely lost & out of love with our home. I will always be so thankful for your honesty.

I look forward to reading your substack, once funds allow I am definitely upgrading to a paid subscriber.

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Thank you Katy! I understand that feeling of falling in and out of love with your home. Looking at it as a long term relationship with all its ups and downs helps 😂

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One thing I cherish about you Emily (and there are so many things because you are wildly gifted and have always looked at things differently finding the beauty in them that others miss) is the fact that you (just like your Mum) could make something out of nothing. Or better put, bring beauty out of anything. One time you and your family were in CT and you were all going to dinner someplace on the spare of the moment. Your younger sister looked to you help her decide on her attire for the night. The outfit you put together was brilliant-in mere minutes. I also remember the days of your Mum gathering a few things one late afternoon in NY and making the most incredible curry out of seemingly nothing. I have always been astounded by the lenses you both see through and the follow through to create anything. You have a remarkable ability to produce masterpieces from seemingly insignificant materials, consistently transform ordinary or sparse elements into extraordinary results as well as having an unparalleled ability to repurpose commonplace items whether they be fashion or household into works of art. You have a keen eye to finding an overlooked item and turning it into something remarkable that everyone else must have! It’s not a talent because many have talents, it's really a divine gift that causes a spotlight to be on the works of your hands that create and inspire so many!

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Debi what a truly touching message to read today. I have lots of memories of my family's time living in New York, but I don't remember those, so thank you. My mum has always been the queen of making do, you're so right. This has been a year of me doubting every aspect of my life and my skills and my self-worth so it means so much to read your words. Thank you xx

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